Daylight Saving Time: yay or nay?

Started by SepiaAndDust, Nov 04, 2024, 03:26 PM

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Happy Set Your Clocks Back Day to those who celebrate.

Do y'all think we ought to keep it or get rid of it? If we get rid of it, do we leave it on or off?

I say trash it. It serves little good in these mostly non-agrarian days. I can see benefits for both on and off, so my opinion on that is wibbly-wobbly.


Most of the time I'm for it. If it's laundry day I don't have to worry about getting my washing in off the line before dinner, because it's still light out until at least seven in the evening. I can pop out to the supermarket around the corner if I've forgotten something, or if I want ice cream and there's none in the freezer, and feel completely safe.

The only time I hate it is when I go interstate to visit family for Christmas. My parents live in Queensland (in Australia), and I live in New South Wales - my state observes DST, but theirs doesn't. And I hate flying, so I get the train up from Sydney to Brisbane. The Sydney>Brisbane train gets into Brisbane at an unholy hour of the morning - 4:53am when DST isn't in effect in NSW, and 3:53am when it is. Getting off the train at nearly four o'clock in the morning sucks.


It may be helpful in some parts of the world, I'll grant that. But people are duuuuhhhh for a week after the clocks spring forward. I think it's been linked to a significant increase in fatal car accidents, too.