The Rules--Don't Be A Dick.

Started by Jamison, Sep 04, 2024, 07:06 AM

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So... the rules.

As you may have heard, we were still hashing stuff out when... well, I'm sure everybody's aware of what's been going on in the writing community. We were caught unawares like many others, so we don't have much in the way of an organized system of rules.

Don't be a dick pretty much covers it.

Profanity is fine, just don't over-do it.
Slurs are never fine.
Don't be a troll.
I know that a lot has been said during the run-up to this US presidential election, but ageist and ableist comments won't be tolerated here.
Respect other people.
Don't hawk your books--or, god forbid, your editing/publishing/book-doctoring services--in the forums or by private message. We'll have places set up for that later on.
Only human-generated material, whether text or image, is allowed on this site. Similarly, no explicit text or images are allowed.

Just don't be a dick.

Also, for legal reasons, only those 13 years old or older are allowed in our official spaces.